If tbc were developed in 2021, blizzard's dailies are essentially required because they'd be tied to some sort of continuous character power, so If you didn't do them, you'd lose ground to everyone else. This WOW TBC Gold power could also be acquired through heroic actions as well, which is why you'll feel that you are required to perform them every day , even if do not have bis.
What? You could have different shades of netherwings, yet they were all part of the Netherwing faction. 1 reputation. Glad mounts also had protected netherdrakes. There are two sources of netherdrakes.
The skytongue mounts as well as kara mounts were also available. Except for the kara mount which was a horse with fangs, all of them had unique models.
Ok look I feel you. For real I get it. Also I think that the TBC reps are or feel significant. Once you've achieved this, you get all the heroics that you need. You may get amazing items in the event of repeating it this is the reason some cannot be replaced easily.
The way you describe it. It's so easy to believe like you're receiving FrenziedFeltalon, when it is just a alteration of two mounted. The mere change in color doesn't make up for the massive differences in difficulty. And with so many recolors on certain mounts, they are all just blending together, and you don't have to worry that it's the difficult one or the freebie because they are so similar, it's worthless to buy the unusual mount actually declines, since the value of the freebie mount isn't able to grow even though it appears to be a rare and expensive mount.
All of these are recolours that can be obtained through other ways. Then there are all the drake mounts from WotLK and Cata which are just recolours of rare spawn drops/reputation/achievement rewards.
There are others raid mounts I didn't mention. Glacial Tidestorm is from mythical Jaina that is a skin for the mount of the shaman class. Ny'alotha Allseer is from mythic N'Zoth It is an reskinned jelfish mount.
It's up to you what you mean when you say "reskin". It is dependent on what you think you mean by "reskin".
The only "original at the time" mythic mount cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold I can think of is Archimonde's Felsteel Annihilator. It seems like the new Sylvanas mythic model is one of a brand new model as well.