I agree with other folks who have said they need zoom

  • That's SO Animal Crossing Bells freakin cute, omg. I agree with other folks who have said they need zoom out images!

    Wow it comes in a box craft place you just have to put it together. They want that in the states!

    I assessed that the youtube video and that I was already impressed if it was just a video regarding the ieniemienie-origami you did there. Rly cool! Also liked the videos! You are amazing at this

    Love the tiny little books. They must have been fiddly to create. Edit: after viewing the video it looks like the novels were probably the simplest part.

    This is so adorable!! How can you get started designing dollhouse furniture? I have been wanting to do it, but I don't know where to start!

    So cute!!! I would like to also say, you put a great deal of work and thought into this, this so amazing!

    Just interested, why am I becoming constantly down on this sub? It's not the first time . I don't care to get downvoted when I said something stupid but that I was giving someone a compliment?

    What I want to know is if any of you obscenely creative individuals have managed to create irl nova or mush lamps yet?

    Dude, this is buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles Ticket wonderful. I saw that the YouTube video too and was super engaged the whole time. Would love to try something like this also (but I know mine won't look quite as good as yours)! Thanks for sharing!!