Do you think this is bad or good? Rate, however if u rate lower than 10 tell me why and how I could improve . This will be exactly what I use, do you really wanna see me die? Once again thanks so RS gold much! My Favorite Emote (reminds me of everything I do to lower demons.) I will attempt to fix my signature too, but it seems that I am not on highscores yet.
Firstly... what's your combat? But never mind, I'll try to answer your questions. If you don't like hillies, mossies are fine. Moss giants, found from the varrock sewers, are good training for battle 60s-80s+. But the sewers is multi combat, do bring some food. If you prefer single combat, and have completed or done drag slayer up to the crandor part, you can access the crandorian moss giants, and it's single battle! Beware of worlds that are crowded. And like what Who? Stated, flesh crawlers are good also. The drops isn't that amazing, but they do drop part of a sceptre and gems, ores and coins. If you enjoy no drops, but decent training, mortal reds are okay. But I don't train on deadly reds.
From around your level, I did mossies all of the way to 60+ att, str and def. You could try it out... maybe not a great deal of noobs, but still pretty crowded. Do not waste money buying food train your fishing and cooking collectively; fish and cook the best fish you can cook and fish. If you have 35 fishing (or 40 fishing for a few ) and above, you might like the crandor and karamja spots. Tho there is not a bank , you will find fishing places and general store that has a lot of fish hauled in there, sold by fishers who do not bother to charge the fish that they fished.
The"noobs" at the hilly place aren't actually noobs as you believe. You would like to kill as many hillies right? Don't they want to do the same? So they don't really qualify as"noob", even when they slip your giant... and practise clicking quickly at the respawn place, that may help (when I had been hillying, the hillies can't be aggressive to me [85 cb] so I practised clicking on something the minute it respawned. Heck, I managed to control the lives of 4 giants simultaneously sometimes... with a fast weapon helps also...)
In the future once I have 75 assault, I wish to purchase a godsword, but which one should I buy? I'm maintaining my strength low. Strategies: Since the specific attack can be buy rs gold paypal used a long together with strength fostering equipment, it is excellent for one-hitting opponents, or doing considerable harm with just 1 hit.