St-Michel: There are the levels 110 zones which can be opened WOTLK Gold. When you reach the level cap isn't even far from the finish line. There's Suramar which has became available. There's still an artifact which you're working to level. There's plenty of content to get past the 110 level.This is what brings us to the new Artifact Weapons. Can you explain to us more about them and how they function?
Barriga: So, players may have heard of legendary quests from the past when certain classes were given special quests and receive a unique weapon that was unique to their specific class. For Legion we created a quest line for each class's spec. This means that the mages have three distinct acquisition lines for all of their specifications. They also possess four. They have they have one for each of their specifications. Very, very carefully crafted account of how you obtain the weapon. Specialized abilities that come the weapon. When you increase your power, the weapon will grow in strength as well. It's basically the class's version of Excalibur.
According to what I've read I've heard, these weapons aren't likely to buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold be carried over into the next expansion in the event that one does come. Do you have any thoughts on the reasoning behind this choice?
Barriga In a way it allows us to design these weapons to be as amazing as we would like to make them. If there's anything in the abilities that we love and think ought to be the main focus of the class We have the power to transfer that ability in the primary class. If we said right off the bat we stated, "This is something we must carry on," you would see an extremely narrow field of design possibilities and more moderate abilities. The talents that are at the end of every branch are extremely powerful and modify the way you play, therefore we'd like to view them as an experiment. In a sense it's an opportunity for us to experiment with new ideas without the commitment of being a part of this idea from now until the end of time.