Painting is the process of coating an Enameled Wire paint on a metal conductor to form a uniform paint layer of a certain thickness. This is related to several physical phenomena and painting methods of liquids.
Viscosity When liquids flow, molecules collide with each other, causing one layer of molecules to move with another layer of molecules. Because of the mutual forces, the latter layer of molecules hinders the movement of the previous layer of molecules, thus showing activity. The stickiness, this is called viscosity. Different paint methods, different wire specifications require different paint viscosity. The size of the viscosity is mainly related to the size of the resin, the molecular weight of the resin is large, and the viscosity of the paint is large, and it is used for coating thick threads because the mechanical properties of the paint film obtained by the large molecular weight are better. Small viscosity for coating thin lines, the small molecular weight of the resin is easy to apply evenly, and the paint film is relatively smooth.
Surface Tension. There are molecules around the molecules inside the liquid. The gravitational force between these molecules can reach a temporary equilibrium. The layer of molecules on the surface of the liquid is attracted by the attraction of the liquid molecules on the one hand, and its force is directed to the depth of the liquid.
At the same time, on the other hand, the attraction of gas molecules, but the gas molecules are less than the liquid molecules, and the distance is far. Therefore, the molecules on the surface layer of the liquid are attracted by the gravity inside the liquid, making the surface of the liquid shrink as much as possible to form a bead shape. The spherical surface has the smallest surface area in the same volume of geometry. If the liquid is not affected by other forces, it is always spherical under surface tension.
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