Mining And Smithing Guide 1-99

  • Viggora What is Zaros' real purpose? What is his real motive? Does he intend to RuneScape Gold be evil or good? Senliten the Pharaoh queen, who sees him as a foul creature that joined with the evil creatures of this world, is a good example. However, ones such as Eblis suggest that Zaros was not really evil - the same goes for Akthanakos and Azzanadra. Azzanadra seems to be a fair Mahjarrat and opted for diplomacy over than mass murder and mind-control in the Digsite.

    This goes against all we've read about the Mahjarrat. It was believed to be violent and wicked creatures. Although the zamorakian ones, like Zemouregal or Lucien are evil, what about zarosian? Ali the Wise even suggested that we didn't have enough information about them to be able to call they pose a threat. We are more worried about the zamorakian threat following recent events that involved Lucien, Zemouregal and other people.

    You aid Azzanadra disguised as Dr. Nabnik in saving the Digsite's zarosian temple. Azzanadra can connect with Zaros via the Communion Portal, located near the altar after the restoration is completed. Azzanadra will call Zaros even though he's not back yet to find out more about what he needs to do to bring his family back to Gielinor. We do not yet know the details of his plan, as Zaros instructed Azzanadra to keep it a secret. However, we will soon know. It seems that we will be involved in some way. Yes, Zaros needs us. But, it's unclear what this could mean.

    You might have noticed that I began an online thread on this topic in March of this year. It was about the Q&A which was published then. Paul and others hint at Zaros's return. It was a happy coincidence. What do you think?

    Mining: Basically, mining should just be used at the beginning of your smithing, or if you don't mind wasting some time mining and would like to save cash. If you just want to mine, it's okay to Buy RS 3 Gold go to lvl85 (unless your looking for the mining skillcape). At lvl 85, you can mine any ore that you would like.