The scape-xp calculate says it's 102 or so specifically

  • The scape-xp calculate says it's 102 or so specifically i have statistics close to this. I am at 106 or 105 and don't know exactly. You need to be at the hp lvl however and OSRS Gold most teams will take 100plus. Torag is more desirable. I was saying sharks are better you don't need rocks tails. This is the same for super pots. u don't have to have the level of lvl in order to make extremes or even ovls

    Off topic: I'm in no way trying to offend anyone,, but the person who put up the post u replayed on made the same comment like me, but you didn't replay his post. You have to stop it because of the ss vs. Whip topic was closed. and u know what's i am talking about...

    OK, I'm having difficulty with TDS. I've played it a few times and was able to score approximately 1-3 kills for each trip. I don't have any chaos weapons, and I own Karils, all three void (no deflector, and I'm not successful in conquest) whip, torso the skirt of Verac, dragon def as well as korasi's weapon. No bandos or armadyl. Can anyone recommend a good setup, or a reliable reference that addresses my gear and stats? All of the guides I've read have 88+ summoning chaos, DFS and other stupidly demanding demands.

    There is no need for a university to be able to achieve 15 kills or more per trip, even at your current level. I'm telling you this today. Anything, usually some type of teleportation because of what I was last doing and sometimes, even Archers/Warriors. Ammo: Broads. I use these to kill 10+ people per shot at 78 per cent range. They're inexpensive and not as bad as people may claim.

    I normally take 4 food items with me, including a whole tortoise of it as well as 12-15 prayer tea potions (damn they're a lot of fun) along with a house tab with a set of boosting pots, but not a defence, as well as darklight. The lantern, too. You'll likely swap out things like CLS for Korasi's Sword or something (excellent 1-handed stab weapons). I hope that Cheap OSRS Accounts can help, just remembering my own weapon.