You fool! The Stranger strikes Mord Gunnar with a 25, and OSRS Accounts then posses the victim. He dies, and leaves the scene with the Map of the Seas. But the Stranger isn't going to quit! Now kill Bandit (Level-69) He is armed with a Rune Dagger (P+) and is able to poke you for up to 4. When the death of Bandit, he'll drop a Clue Scroll. It's located in the Circle of Evil in an abandoned town; deep within the swamp of invisible dangers; I'm being pursued by a rebel. Look away from the depression and into the darkness and you'll see me. Burgh De Rotte is, unsurprisingly the solution. Go there, and speak to any of the 6 residents.
We're glad to see you back... but only when you are in necessity. You are right! I'll defend you! Now, take on the Stranger (Level-69) and he'll be dead. He will only be able to make use of a Dragon Dagger. He is an easy target for fairytales and is likely to take Thwait's Key. Thaiwt will provide you with the key. Click Read Key and let your player read the tunnel of thieves. You will find me. Explore the depths of the dune and you will discover the treasure of a million scarabs. Pyramid Plunder is an excellent place to look for the man. Begin the mini-game and then go to the last room (requires 90 Theiving) and you'll be able to watch a brief cut-scene.
The Rogues will disappear into four different doors. I'm happy you came across me. Don't get caught in my traps. Martin Thwait will become Martin Thwait (Level-215) and you can Range and Melee Martin Thwait. He can hit 25 with either style. When he passes away, he will drop Master Theif's Armband. For proof, it has the letters "MT" on it.
The Sphere. The final battle is held in a massive sphere. This sphere boosts your defense, magic and hitpoint levels. It also allows you to cast spells with Buy RS3 Gold no need for runes. It's a wild place to be.