Passing lane beats will be the factor that destroys most player

  • The event calendar ought to be online. The myplayer builder ought to be online. The cutoff elevation for the jumpshots ect should all be in and NBA 2K21 MT. NBA 2K21 has been out for months and I still feel like I learn something new everyday, like being able to change your match-up with up on RS. Additionally, EVERY JUMPSHOT SHOULD HAVE MAKE PERCENTAGE AND THE exact same GREEN WINDOW, so you don't have to pay some website to find the best one.

    I saw this dialog on Twitter and I was worried by it. Youtubers and their followers were hoping to convince devs (I know LD2K is not a dev) to return got next spots in rec cause they miss things such as having the ability to walk around the gym at mascots. Imagine going from waiting 10 minutes for a park match. All so a youtuber can produce a movie such as"5 Mascots shot over rec and THIS happened!" Rather than using Twitter (or even Reddit) to get comments for NBA 2K21, why not get the feedback of everyone who performs NBA 2K21 by putting surveys and surveys in the actual match (voluntary obviously.)

    There are so many changes made to NBA 2K21 off the recommendation of those youtubers and their followers when they represent the vast minority. So much of NBA 2K21 is based on what happens on the 2s courtroom when 10% of gamers play with 2s. I have never heard a rec player complaining about article scorers being OP for example. The client isn't always correct, therefore not everything should be majority vote, but there's no way for 2K to even know what their consumers want.

    Notice I didn't state buff/nerf interior or buff/nerf interior defense. They are both broken and need to be redone from scratch. Hands up shield was OP at 2K19 (seriously, you should not be able to make a post scorer or pure slasher miss only by putting palms ), but it is atrocious and borderline useless in 2K20. Eliminate the hands up cartoons that move you and give almost no contest. Eliminate garbage badges such as pogo and intimidator stick. Speed up post move cartoons.

    Make standing dunk as powerful as man contact dunks and dunk as powerful as driving contact dunks. Boost the rating for man contact dunks from 75 to 85 and stop letting every man build them. Since all facilities may get it, big individual contact dunks mean next to nothing. A red center should not have 99 standing dip. A shooting glock should not find man contact dunks. There ought to be a offensive gap between centers. Get rid of the knee cap cubes and losing the ball. Fix putbacks. Fix post hooks. Redo the inside from scratch.

    Passing lane beats will be the factor that destroys most players' experience that is 5v5. Among the problems is that you literally spam steal while staying in the same spot. Lane steals ought to be a bet. Pressing steal in the wrong time ought to take you out of position like pressing block. A sneak attempt should always bring about an open man. For non defensive builds for death lane steals Additionally, it is too simple.NBA 2K21 just frustrates me as I left a Dennis Rodman build with extremely large defense and 30 defensive badges and dudes are green in my eyes even when I have a contest on it. In addition, I feel displays will need to be worked out with. I shouldn't be dragged into screens and have an elite get two feet of separation to get an instant green bc I have glued to Cheap MT NBA 2K21 the centre. I also believe that they should make shooting as builds with 75 3pt should not be able to shoot 7 from heavy even if they mastered their jumper. Shooting has to be even. If u have a 3pt score then you need to have the ability to green but no one ought to legit be shooting 60% or higher when no at the league may even shoot that high of a percent.